Luke Skywalker is a major fictional character who appears in the well-known science fiction saga Star Wars, written by George Lucas. In the story, Luke Skywalker is one of two children produced by a forbidden marriage between characters Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala. Fulfilling an ancient Jedi prophecy, Luke Skywalker struggles with his heritage and finds a way to restore balance to a war-torn galaxy.
In Lucas’s story, Luke Skywalker learns his father was Anakin, who was a Jedi Knight that became consumed by dark forces and now sits at the right hand of an evil emperor as the villainous Darth Vader. His mother, Padme died in childbirth. Though Luke Skywalker’s life began as a farm boy tucked away on the small planet of Tatooine, he learns he possesses the necessary skills to become a Jedi Knight, the protective forces of good.
Though the earlier parts of the story begin years before Luke Skywalker is even born, the conclusion of the story is largely based on his existence. His early childhood is spent unknowingly in hiding and separated from his sister, Leia Organa, whom he never knew existed. He becomes a fighter pilot and later develops and hones his Jedi skills under the guidance of Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. Armed with his father's light saber, his plight is to overthrow the evil galactic empire that threatens universal democracy, which he does with the help of the story’s other major characters.
Star Wars became a major motion picture in 1977, with the release of the fourth in a series of a six-part motion picture saga that concluded with the third episode in 2005. Episodes IV, V, and VI all feature Luke Skywalker, played by actor Mark Hamill. Other major characters included in the saga during Luke Skywalker’s existence include Han Solo, Chewbacca, R2-D2, C3-PO, and Lando Calrissian.
Luke Skywalker, along with several other characters from the story have become the center of a cult following. The story has appeared in graphic novel and cartoon form as well as motion picture. Luke’s father, Darth Vader, is one of the best-known movie villains of all time.