There are several ways to travel the world. Travelers can circle the globe either on water, on land, or in the air. Any one of these ways to travel the world can be used, or a combination may be needed depending on a traveler's wants and needs. Also, other accommodations for overnight stays in certain destinations may be necessary.
Cruise travel is one of the most recognized ways to travel the world. There are a few types of cruises available. Vacation cruises are the most popular, but these cruise ships may not necessarily go all the way around the world, in the true sense. Many times they will stop at a few ports in one geographical region.
A world cruise ship is a little different. Unlike a vacation cruise, travelers are given the option to purchase a cabin aboard a cruise ship. This ship then slowly circles the globe, stopping at ports every few days. Each cabin usually comes complete with a kitchen and bathroom, and there are also stores, spas, gyms, restaurants, and anything else that a world traveler might need. These cruises may be a nice comfortable way to travel the world, but they are typically very expensive to buy and maintain.
On the other end of the spectrum, freighter cruises are another way to travel the world. Cabins are usually onboard a cargo ship headed for a certain port across the world. The atmosphere is considered to be very casual and simple. Travelers are not given the luxuries of other types of cruises, and they may also be expected to help the crew with various tasks.
On land, trains are the main way to travel the world. Accommodations on a train are usually much more comfortable than on a bus, and some trains allow passengers to reserve a private room. Travelers can purchase rail passes that allow passengers to get on and off certain trains when they please, and these trains travel across most of the continents on the globe.
Air travel is another option when traveling the world. Since purchasing individual tickets to cities all around the globe can get expensive, some airlines offer around-the-world tickets. These flight plans usually include several stops in countries before coming back to their original destinations.
When not aboard a boat, train, or plane, travelers may need a place to stay overnight. Hotels and hostels are the more common options, but they can get expensive. Some convents and monasteries, however, will also put up travelers for a much smaller fee, often in exchange for a small amount of labor. There are also other programs and websites that can help travelers find places to stay in exchange for services.