A trekking club can be a fun way to travel and experience the many different regions, geographies, and cultures that the world has to offer. Forming a trekking club is similar to starting most other types of clubs. You will need prior experience in trekking, a continued interest and zeal, and an advertising scheme.
The most important prerequisite to beginning a trekking club is trekking experience. If you are hoping to start a club, but have never done any trekking yourself, planning a club trip can be quite difficult, as you will not know what to expect. Preparation is mandatory for trekkers, and beginners in trekking will seek advice and help from you as head of the club.
Enthusiasm for trekking can help you achieve your goal of starting a trekking club. Trekking can be a long and difficult journey filled with many unexpected twists. Your interest in trekking will motivate beginners to experience the pleasures and fun of trekking. Your enthusiasm may also remind experienced members, who have had a rough or disappointing trip, of the positive sides of trekking.
Do not expect a large turnout immediately. Building a successful trekking club happens over time and with consistent effort. Advertising is the best way to gain club members, both experienced and inexperienced. Begin your campaign with local advertising, which is easy and effective and may draw trekking enthusiasts and interested first-timers who live around the same area. Meeting and talking to someone in person builds not only their confidence but also your own and can help to establish a close-knit community of trekkers.
A small ad in a newspaper will inform its readers of the club, but advertising through social media is more likely to net you a larger response. Search for established trekkers' blogs, forums, and other online communities, and contribute to them as much as you can. Take notice of what people expect from a trekking club and the necessary duties that will fall on you as the club's founder.
You can also begin a blog dedicated to trekking, promote it online, and keep track of how many people follow it. Maintaining a personal blog accomplishes three goals. It allows you to gauge the number of people interested in trekking, create a group of contacts, and establish an outlet for communication and interaction amongst interested trekkers. Another option is to promote the club on websites that facilitate communication between millions of users. On such websites, you can create a page or group that details your club's goals and values and that is geared towards users who live in close proximity to the club.
Once you have received enough feedback from interested parties to officially establish the club, its first trip should be planned. Extensively research the trip's main route, and make sure to incorporate input from members. Check it over for potentially dangerous elements and the best and most interesting paths to take. This attention to detail will set the pace and tone of all future trips and build members' trust in you and the club.
Keep people interested by providing detailed information about the trip. Offer assistance when possible to club members who need help. Try and keep their spirits up prior to leaving, which is where your enthusiasm can help. Finally, do your best to make sure that the trek is a fun and challenging experience for members at all levels of experience. Guiding and advising beginners and providing companionship to experienced trekkers will ensure that members return for another trip.